
These workshops offer a unique outlook on sexuality and the world of Erotic Tantra. You will learn the basic tantric principles and exercises, which will allow you to start practising Erotic Tantra. There is no need for prior experience to participate in this course. Part of the exercises are individual techniques, and you can participate in the course also without a partner. The erotic exercises are not practised at the course, but can be explored privately at home.

Say YES to Life!

The tantric attitude to eroticism and sexuality is uninhibited, practical and full of love and spirituality. It encourages you to embrace everything in life with an attentive mind and to say yes to life. According to Tantra, all aspects of life are connected with each other, and ultimately they form a unity in the enlightened sense.


By practising the exercises that are given at the course you can learn to increase your sexual energy and to refine it for spiritual purposes. The exercises will help you to open up to love and to maintain attraction within a couple. We will also study techniques for increasing sensitivity and pleasure and to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. Furthermore you will learn to do the central asanas of classical Yoga and to do meditation, which will make you more aware of your erotic energy and help you to strengthen and control it.

Alone or as a couple

You can come to the course alone or with a partner. The erotic exercises are given as homework and in class we keep our clothes on. Reserve time between the weekends to practise the many exercises that you learn at the course.

Main course locations are Helsinki and Tampere, other locations according to demand.
Jyväskylä, Turku, Lappeenranta, Oulu and Vaasa Courses will be given if there is demand for them. Please let us know about your interest in participating.
Prices for one day workshop: Standard 70€, Student/Unemployed 60€, 18-21 years 40€, Couples 120€.

Warmly welcome!



Read more about Tantra

Ilmoittaudu työpajaan maksamalla osallistuminen alla ja lähettämällä meille osallistujien nimet, sähköpostiosoitteet ja mihin työpajaan olet tulossa: tantra(a)natha.fi

70,00 €

Työpaja Tampereella tod.näk. keväällä 2022.

  • Normaalihinta 70 €
  • Opiskelija/työtön 50€
  • Pariskunta 120€
50,00 €

Jyväskylään ei ole tällä hetkellä aikataulutettu työpajaa.

  • Normaalihinta 140 €
  • Opiskelija/työtön 120€
  • Pariskunta 240€
140,00 €

Natha järjestää muissa kaupungeissa eroottisen tantran työpajoja kysynnän ja mahdollisuuksien mukaan. Kerää porukka ja ota yhteyttä tai ilmoittaudu alla jonotuslistalle. Työpajat kestävät viikonlopun (la ja su klo 11-n.17).

Tantratyöpaja 2 pv hinta
Normaalihinta 140 €
Opiskelija / työtön 120 €
Pariskunta 240 €